Status of Public Message Board

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Ernie Hamm
Posts: 214
Joined: Sun Jan 22, 2006 10:24 am
Location: Fleming Island, Florida

Status of Public Message Board

Post by Ernie Hamm »

I am wondering about the status of the Public Message Board as I am not seeing any posts after Mike French on February 18?

Also, the reference index attributed to myself as a reference source on forensics topics, mainly latent print methods, is not longer accessible from CLPEX Home Page?
Posts: 38
Joined: Wed May 14, 2014 6:48 am

Re: Status of Public Message Board

Post by orrb »

To All,
I acquired in January. I consider this site, and especially this message board, a valuable resource for the fingerprint community. My intention is to build out the site and message board offering more information and more resources. My very first order of business was to make sure the website and message board were up to date and stable.

I am now in the planning stages working with a web design consultant. We have started sitemap and wireframe creation, making decisions on visual elements, there will be testing, and then the official launch. I am still making decisions on goal identification, defining the scope of this project, and content creation. These things I am seeking input from the fingerprint community. I will bring the legacy content back to CLPEX. It will be organized and presented in a different format, but it will be available to the community.

I will be reaching out to many of you asking for your ideas and thoughts. I am keeping the tag line ' For Latent Print Examiners by Latent Print Examiners' because I believe that is what this website is all about. I intend on investing the time and resources to make CLPEX an important part of the fingerprint community.

I have the resources to build this site out but I will need input, advice, and guidance regarding content. I don't want to push content out that has no real meaning or interest to our community. There are many issues facing the forensic science community. Many new subjects to learn. I want CLPEX to be a place to ask, discuss, question, consider, confer, share, and participate.

Thanks for your patience. Please share your thoughts with me.

Brian Orr
B. Orr
Boyd Baumgartner
Posts: 566
Joined: Sat Aug 06, 2005 11:03 am

Re: Status of Public Message Board

Post by Boyd Baumgartner »

Where are you at on this, Brian?
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